Thursday, April 28, 2005

Scientific Evidence of Sahajayoga

Can Sahaja Yoga be proved scientifically to work?
Before Sahajayoga Meditation
Here is the electromagnetic system of Sasha Solodiankin, after adays work treating sick people by massage. Note the gaps in his aura allaround his body and around the finger tips.


After Sahajayoga Meditation
Now see the same 'picture' taken after 20 minutes of Sahaja Yogameditation. The difference is remarkable, his aura has been rebuilt and aroundhis fingertips almost complete in almost every case.These were taken at a laboratory using Kirlian photography, a methodof measuring the electromagnetic spectrum around the human body. Thelaboratory is entirely independent of Sahaja Yoga.


In order to View the Pictures before and After Meditation please cut and pastethe below mentioned URL in your browser.

An Experience That Changed My Life -- Lt.Gen.VK Kapoor India

An Experience That Changed My LifeMy experiences in Sahaja Yoga commenced on the night of 16 Apr 1995when I first saw Sri Mataji in Calcutta(Kolkata) at a wedding. As Ilooked at her dynamic, attractive and awesome presence I felt thatthe care of the disease I was suffering from lay in her hands. Atthat time I was a Brigadier in the Indian Army, posted at ArmyHeadquarters in Delhi. A few months earlier, in fact in Dec 1994, Ihad returned from an assignment in New York with the PermanentMission of India (PMI). While there a strange phenomenon hadoccurred. One day while working in my temporary office in the PMI, Istarted feeling uneasy, breathless and nausea. I could also feel myrapid heart beat and my pulse seemed to be much faster than usual. Irequested the PMI staff to arrange a doctor to examine my condition.I was taken to a clinic where the doctor put me through all types ofexaminations including ECG and after about an hour I was advised thatthere was nothing wrong with me and that the discomfort was dueto "ectopics" of the heart, the cause of which could be attributed topsychosomatic reasons and that the condition would probably stabilizein due course on its own. Unfortunately my condition deteriorated onreturning to India and after consulting many Heart Specialists I wastold that there was no cure for this disease and medication wouldmost likely produce side effects like abnormally low blood pressurewhich would cause even more discomfort. A "Halters Test" (a record ofECG taken over a 24 hours duration) showed my heart beating 150 to250 times per minute over a 24 hours period and the doctors feltquite concerned on seeing my condition. This condition continued fornearly four months before I met Sri Mataji in Calcutta. Prior to thatI had resigned myself to an invalids life as I used to feel listless,despondent and physically weak. I was planning to quit my Armyservice due to my physical condition.I vividly remember the scene when we (my wife and I) walked up to SriMataji's location in the wedding hall, where we were introduced byShri Rajesh Shah, a well known and very devoted Sahaj Yogi fromBombay. Sri Mataji made my wife sit next to her and as I stood infront of her with my folded hands, she asked me to explain what waswrong with me. The love and compassion in her voice made me feel likea child and I found it difficult to control my emotions. Gradually Iexplained the entire background to my ailment. She smiled and askedto put my right hand on my heart and left hand towards her, take adeep breath, close my eyes and repeat certain words. I was asked todo this three times. At the end Sri Mataji smiled once and said thatI was already looking better. She asked me to join the meditationcentre in Delhi and learn to meditate and that there was nothing toworry about. As I bent forward to do Pranam, Sri Mataji gentlythumped me on my back with her right fist thus awakening myKundalini, the residual spiritual energy which is in a dormant statewithin all of us. I could not feel anything at that moment, as I wasnot sensitive enough though I understood the significance in duecourse.That night I slept peacefully after nearly four months and on wakingup in the morning I felt refreshed and joyful. We did not realize itthen but the course of our life had changed. We had been put on thepath of Peace, Joy, Satisfaction and Nourishment.We were taught the method of meditation at Delhi and I startedattending the collectivity at the SAHAJA Temple in C-17 InstitutionalArea, in New Delhi. About one and a half months later, one day in themonth of Jun 95, when I was meditating at home in the morning atabout 4.30 AM, I suddenly experienced a burst of energy in the formof a cool breeze all over my hands, over the body and on top of myhead. It was an intense experience of peace and joy. I understoodthat I had experienced the state of self-realization. Thereafter Ihave experienced it many times, though not with the same intensity.Later in the month of July 95, I was called for my periodic medicalboard (after every 5 years) and after all the tests and examinationswere done, I was declared medically fit and was promoted to the rankof Major General in Oct 95.Since the past six years it has been a Saga of unique spiritualexperiences in SAHAJA YOGA. In the SAHAJA way of life one isconstantly blessed by the power and the will of the Lord through theGrace of our Guru Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is Sakshat Sri AdiShakti, the Primordial Mother.I was promoted once again in Oct 2000 to the rank of a LieutenantGeneral, the highest rank that you can achieve in the Army- and allof this due to the Love and Compassion of our Guru, Sri MatajiNirmala Devi.I am presently in an instructional assignment at Mhow (MP) whichgives me ample opportunity to teach SAHAJA YOGA meditation to manyofficers who come to our institution for training. Seeing theenthusiasm of our officers and men we have established a newmeditation centre in the Army area.(Lt. Gen. VK Kapoor)Commandant, College of Combat, Mhow (MP)

Miracle from the Adaman Islands

Jai Shri Mataji !
It has been reported in various Indian media that theAndaman & Nicobar group of islands of India hadsuffered around 3000 deaths and little over double thenumber were reported missing till yesterday (theofficial death count is based on number of bodiesfound – the bodies not found are declared missing!).The leader of Andaman & Nicobar Mr. Manoranjan Saha isbased in the capital of the island group - Port Blair.The gentleman is very-very simple, even by Indianstandards. He wears a dhoti-kurta (a dhoti is a wraparound cloth, generally of cotton, that is still wornby villagers in many states in India and regardedunfashionable by modern Indians!). His sight is alwaystowards the Mother Earth or towards Shri Ma. He cannotspeak English (he acknowledges that he had learnt itin college but cannot speak) but can converse in Hindiwith a Assamese or Bengali (east Indian languages)accent that is difficult even for a hindi languageknower to understand. It was heard that he is made funof even amongst SY’s in a center which I too was partof but his surrender and dedication are what SY’s likeme who are nowhere as deep as him should look up toand learn.He had presented miracle photographs that came out athis center to SY’s including me when I was based in acity in South India. The photo had his contact numberat the back. The day before yesterday (4th Jan 05) itwas announced on the Indian Television thattelecommunications with Andaman & Nicobar group ofislands have been restored. On calling him upyesterday morning he was very happy to receive a callfrom a SY. He said that all 150 SY’s in the group ofislands are safe by Mother’s grace. The center isintact too. (He runs the center from his house ofwhich he occupies a very small part & has dedicatedthe rest of the house for the center. The center canaccommodate all 150 SY’s there!). He informed that aSY had a house at the jetty. The waves crossed thejetty’s wall but stopped at the wall of this house(you may have seen in photographs of areas along thecoast in south-east Asia that all structures along thecoast were completely destroyed. This house is not).He informed that the center was on a small hill andintact.On asking him whether he needed help in any way heseemed very hesitant to ask. Here he was in a landtorn apart by Tsunamis and in one of the worstaffected places of India, being asked how he/ theother SY’s could be helped while he kept on talkingonly Sahaja matters. He narrated how he had asked thequestion at the South Indian Seminar last year of howto remain in the Sahastrara longer & how he hadreceived beautiful answers from other SY’s. His onlyregret was that he had wished to donate some land andbuild an old age home by Mother’s grace but the waterlevel has now gone over his land (a number of islandshave gone under water completely or partly).It was requested of him to check up with other SY’s inthe group of islands and to inform if they needed anyhelp and it was thought that if he himself may haveneeds, he may inform subsequently. A contact telephonenumber was given to him but he said that it was notpossible to call outside from Andamans till that pointof time. He said that he had wanted to contact Mr.Nalgirkar (India leader) to take permission forperforming a havan after the disaster but he could notget through. He also said that he also did not wish tocall any SY in the mainland so that the person may notwrongly construe it as a call for help.Though he had been told that he will be called after aday to check on help needed but I was worried how toorganize (any sum would be a pittance to people whomI thought would have lost there everything) and thenhow to send out the help (bank transfers may not beworking; even if a SY from South India is requested (Ihave been brought to Pune by Mother’s grace & am nolonger in South India) it would be difficult for himto go there – and it was anyway too late by the time Iremembered that I had Mr. Saha’s telephone number withme! Also the telephone lines had just started working.Yesterday I even thought that I will post this to a SYe-mail group & word will spread. But then I was alsoworried how people will talk to him because of hislanguage constraints mentioned earlier and even ifsomeone wants to send help the logistics barriers maybe insurmountable for now. The Indian government isindeed doing a good job of giving help to its affectedpeople and also other affected nations but theprevailing conditions are really very bad. All thetime I was thinking how this problem can be solved notrealizing that the divine itself takes care of all itschildren.Today, after trying to leave it to the divine andgiving myself a bandhan, Uncle Saha was called. It wasalready afternoon – it had taken me that much time tosurrender and call! When asked whether he could findout what help was required he again reassured that all150 SY’s in the island are safe and do not needanything (though the overall situation is indeed grimsince the lowermost point of this group of islands isjust 60 nautical miles from the epicenter of theearthquake in Indonesia). He said that by Mother’sgrace he was pretty well off monetarily (though manyof his lands are under the water now). He also helped/is helping other SY’s in the islands monetarily. Hesaid that he is telling me about the help he has/isproviding only because I am sounding too concerned;otherwise he prefers not to tell this. His only griefnow is that his desire to build the old-age home maynot happen or be stalled because of nature’s fury.What he said subsequently demonstrated theestablishment of Shri Mahalaxmi in him. He wants todonate a huge sum for SY. He asked me that since I amin Pune I should find out how he can give the money.He had actually bought the money when he came to Punefor Christmas Puja but was unable to meet the nationalor the city leader because of the huge event (thesewere the only means he seems to know through whom todonate) and had to take the money back. What isspecially touching is that he still wants to give thesame amount in spite of the difficult condition he maybe facing.More on the miracle – though in SY it is not a miraclebut known fact of Shri Mataji’s protective powers. TheSY center in Port Blair had many photo-frames of ShriMataji. Though they fell down because of theearthquake but not even a single one was broken! Thepublic address system too is intact. It had cost Mr.Saha quite a sum to purchase this for publicprogrammes. The center had a couple of televisions andmud pots of plants. (I can get the center photographwith me scanned but don’t know how to send to thegroup without being blocked by yahoo because I see allattachments removed in yahoo where I receive my divinesahajayoga group e-mails except the ones kindly postedby the Moderator whose url i.e. link is specified).Everything of the center is intact. Most othersbuildings around are destroyed and people are sayingthat this building remaining and that too with itscontents intact is a miracle.Many people are leaving the islands because of fear ofinundation of the land and bad conditions there. Hesays that because of Shri Mataji he does not have anyfear and wants to remain there to carry on Sahajawork. A true leader, isn’t he?
Jai Shri Mataji !- a SY from Pune

P.S.1. Mr. Manoranjan Saha’s telephone no is 03192-235031.It may have to be dialed +91-03192-235031 from otherthan India. He may not understand non-hindi speakingSY’s but will definitely understand Jai Shri Mataji(Your talk may be limited to that only !!)The telephone of Andaman & Nicobar centre if any SYwishes to dial from a country other than India wouldbe +91-3192-235031. The hyphens(dashes in the number)are to be ignored i.e. like 00913192235031.2. Just got a phone call from a SY in Chennai in SouthIndia –of course all are safe there as well - JSMJ !

Miracle from the Adaman Islands

Jai Shri MatajiWhile reading this article, I could not stop myself in sharing a miraclehappened to my brother who stays in great Nicobar Islands. He is working inIndian Navy, stays with wife & a child.As told by my Brother, in the morning 6.30 (The day tunsami shook the wholeisland) My brother & family heard a big sound & ran out of the house, thewhole building collapsed after few seconds.Though he was not regular in practising in meditation, but he was carryinga photograph of Shri Mataji, which I gave while he was in India. Also amiracle is that he & family took Self Realization just before leaving toAndamans.He had told me that he was one of the few family escaped in the wholeisland in this great disaster.
Manoj Kumar

Miracle from the Adaman Islands

Over fifty Sahaja Yogis live on the Adaman Islands, near the epicentre of the earthquake. About twelve were at the puja in Pune. On the way home to Madras in the train we were shocked to read about the diaster in the newspaper, and we suddenly fell from heaven back onto the earth. Then one yogi said, relaxed and peaceful, "My house is about 300 meters from the seashore. My mother and sister are there." Another said, "I live 1 kilometer from the beach."The next news from them came: Everything is okay. The rest of us were sure that they would have been wiped out. The one yogi had said on the train in India, "I traveled to Shri Mataji and She is also at my home. That is logical."The power of shraddha - Jai Shri Mataji!