Shankaracharya’s praise of the Divine Mother
AI GIRI NANDINI NANDIT. MEDINI Oh Beloved daughter of the mountains, Who bring about great joy on earth
VISHW. VINODINI NANDANUTE The One Who bring Joy to the whole Universe, I prostrate myself to You
GIRIVAR. VINDHYA SHIRODHINI VASINI The Holy abodeis in the king of the mountains, the Vindhyas
VISHNU VILASINI JISHNU NUTE Shri Vishnu is filled with joy when He meditates on You
BHAGAVATI HE SHITI KANTK. KUTUMBINI Oh great creatrix of the Universe, the wife of Lord Shiva
BRURI KUTUMBINI BHURIKRUTE You belong to the universal family and for You the whole Universe is Your family.
You are the one who does the greatest actions namely given self-realisation
JAY. JAY. HE MAHISHASUR. MAR.DINI (Chorus x3) Victory to You, Who killed Mahishasura
RAMYAKAPAR.DINI SHAILASUTE You are the One with the beautiful luminous face
SUR .VAR.VARSHINI DUR.DHAR. DHAR.SHINI On the gods You shower auspicious blessings
DUR.MIKH. MARSHINI HAR.SHARATE You are the destroyer of the evil faced ones
TRIBHUVAN. POSHINI SHANKAR. TOSHINI You are the sustainer of all the three worlds. The one who is the
ultimate joy of Lord Shankara
KILBISHA MOJINI GHOSHARATE You alone can destroy all our sins which You do by giving us self-realisation.
Yet for those who are the enemies of the gods and your children, You always wear a ferocious expression
DANUJ. NIROSHINI KSHITISUT. ROSHINI You show to the gods that you are pleased with them. Yet to the
sons of Diti, who are demons, You always show your displeasure
DUR.MUD. SHOSHINI SINDHUSUTE Even though there may be strong demons, You take their strenght away
AI SHAT. KHANDA VIKHANDIT. RUNDA Oh Goddess You cut the demons into 100 parts. And then cut them
again and scatter the pieces
VITUNDIT. SHUNDA GAJADHIPATE And pulverise the remaining parts into less than dust. Even those demons
that can be described sa powerful as king of elephants
RIPU GAJA GANDA VIDARANA CHANDA The demons who are strong as elephants and ferocious as lions
PARAKRAMA SHUNDA MRUGADHIPATE You alone, Oh Goddess, cut them and smash them into nothing
NIJABHUJ. DANDA NIPATIT. CHANDA All this You do using Your own powerful arms. You scatter themaway
VIPATIT. MUNDA BHATADHAPATE You cut off their heads in one sweep and loss them away like balls
DHANURANUSANGA RANAKSHANASANGA In the battle field You are so absorbed in the battle that Your arm
moves continuously shooting arrows, Your entire body shakes as if You are dancing and Your bangles create sounds
PARISPHUT. DANGA NATATKATAKE (All these denotes that even while She is continuously vanquishing the
force of the gods, She does it with total concentration, with grace and beauty)
KANAK. PISHANGA PUSHATKA NISHANGA Oh Great Goddess,You destroyed the demonVatuke
RASAD BHATA SHRUNGA HATA BATUKE Your arrows look like flashes of gold, yellow shining lights
KRUT. CHATURANGA BALA KSHITI RANGA And Your very presence makes this army of gods fitted with
enthusiasm, joy and valor, and even their arrows which are in the quiver of backs
GHATADA BAHU RANGA RATADA BHATUKE shine forth with new colours and seeing all these Lord Bhairava
dances in front of You in great ecstasy, repeating over and over again "Jay Shri Mataji", "Jay Shri Mataji "
JAY. JAY. JAPYA JAYE JAYASHABDA Oh Great Goddess, Who brings salvation to the world, our complete
prostrations before You, constant incarnation of your Holy Name is yhe most supreme prayer that a devotee can take for his
own meditation.
PARASTUTI TATPARA VISHWANUTE and when he gets absorbed in saying Your Name, need for other sounds
and language falls away. Oh Goddess, who hasbrought salvation in this world, we constantly prostrate ourselves before You
(Tapar = constantly)
JHANA JHANA JHINJITA JHINKRUTA NUPURA Lord Shiva who, though beyonds sounds and language when
he hears the sound of Yours wondrous ornaments moving against one another
JHINJHITA MOHITA BHUTAPATE when You are in battle or in dance and make sounds like Jhana Jhana Jhinjita
and Jhinkruta, he becomes totally filled with joy and leaving his meditation desires to hear this sounds again and again
NATINA NATARTHA NATINA NATA NAYAKA Oh Great Goddess, Who took the form ofShri Ardha Nashwara
NAATITA NATYA YUGANA RATE When You dance You put them all to shame accompainded by great musicians
AYI SUMANAS SUMANAS SUMANAS With the beautiful mind You are also like a soft flower. Though we are
seeing you in the form of Shri Durga, your mind is as that of Lord Shiva ans Shri Parvati
SUMANAS SUMANOHARA KANTIYUTE Your being is so beautiful, and seeing You in this beautiful form our
minds become as pure as those of the gods
SHRITA RAJANI RAJANI RAJANI The night takes Your protection, You are the One whose arti we do
RAJANI RAJANI KARA VAKRAVRUTE You are eternal, You hold a lotus, Your noble face shines like the moon
SUNAYANA VIBHRAMA RABHRAMA RABHRAMA And we see your beautiful eyes under the lovely dark eye-brows,
that look like a cluster of bees
RABHRAMA RABHRAMA RADHIPATE And Your name is also Shri Bhramatri Devi, that when You raise Your
eyebrows the three lines that are formed on Your forehead are the three worlds themselves and simply by the movement of Your
eye-brows You create and dissolve the three worlds
SAHITA MAHARNAVA MALLA MATTALIKA In the battle field when You are faced with great fighters
VALLIKA RALLIKA MALLARATE You do battle with them in the way in which they fight
VIR.CHITA VALLIKA PALLIKA MALLIKA When You are confronted with such powerful demons who use no
weapons, You become totally absorbed in the battle
JHILLIKA BHILLIKA VARGAVRUTE and make plans to destroy them after You have tired them and all this brings
great joy to the Bhil tribals who were being harassed by the Maltas
SITAKRUTA PHULLI SAMULLA SITARUNA Your actions are so beautiful, like the rays of the rising sun
TALLAJA PALLAVA SALLALITE as if flowers are suddenly blossoming on creepers, Lord Shiva is pleased
KAMALA DALAMALA KOMALA KANTI Those beautiful pure cluster of lotuses that emit very gently light
KALA KALITAMALA BHALA LATE You have kept them in Your hair
SAKALA VILASA KALA NILAYA KRAMA Heavenly swans have the power to discriminate, and when they recognise
all your great work
KELI CHALAT KALA HAUNSA KULE they are filled with complete joy and move around in an excited manner
ALI KULA SANKULA KUVALAYA MANDALA As clusters of bees are attracted to groups of fragrant lotuses
MAULI MILAD BAKULALI KULE the stars come in clusters attracted to Your forehead