Friday, November 04, 2005

Mothers Photographs Changes

Dear Humble Ones

A week ago a colleague emailed me the photograph of Mataji - I had not seen Her picture before nor had I read or heard about Mataji – the photograph constantly kept changing to someone who looked very young. A few days later I was given a photograph of Mataji – as I say I do not know much – but this picture also changes –but to a picture of the Lord Jesus. I do not know why these have happened.

I do know that I have become a changed person I feel such a change within me that everything in the past is by the way – I accomplish my day to day tasks with ease.

The feeling is unexplainable. It is so wonderful. I feel I want to pass it to everyone around me. As I say I have not gone into yoga or anything.

Renitha Govan
Mondi Business Paper South Africa
Merebank Mill
Travancore Drive Merebank, 4052
P O Box 31024, Merebank, 4059, South Africa