Wednesday, November 01, 2006

God is closer than you think

Inspite of achieving heights in science and technology & Space, we realise how small we are
in front of the grandeours of space and time. We have still to find out how to be in balance both in happiness and sorrow. We still have to find out why we do not have cure for numerous diseases inspite of great advances made in medicine.
Why we do wrong things inspite of knowing that it is wrong? Why we succumb to temptations and why we want more and more and more inspite of knowing that we shall not live to consume or enjoy all that we accumulate?
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, has unlocked the mysteries by enabling the seeker to make a big jump to the last stage of evolution namely
Kundalini awakening. She has created history by giving enmasse realisation that no prophet, saint or guru has been able to achieve. Visit to know more about yourself. Yes to know more about yourself, know your mother, your own mother Kundalini and awaken her which is your birthright, so as to get bountless blessings.
To know about the centre nearest you visit and one more thing, it is FREE.
Now and forever.